

SLT one of the safest transporters with optimum desire to deliver cargo to client on time and in good condition. We use different trailers with different capacity trucks to suit specific load requirements and need hence ensuring that we use the appropriate vehicle and equipment for the job.

SLT have been in the business of dangerous cargo transportation since its inception and has largely dealt with the mining industries in the sub-Sahara region. Some of the chemicals we handle include but not limited to lead nitrate, sulphuric acid, Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid, Caustic Soda etc  Our experience and understanding of the delicate nature of the mining industries and its needs place us in the position to execute our jobs with precision and professionalism.

Our cross-border services allow us to smoothly transport cargo by land to neighbouring countries and the sub-regions. SLT is a well-known for cross border transportation to most mining sites including but not limited to Itty, Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, Tamoussoukro, Abidjan, Conakry, Lome, Semafo boungou are to mention a few.